


Bru-Hayshi dead, note insects, Doobisee
scientist killed by animals on Mars

PIA08423-001PIA02157_hithumbrock gong-gong-003note hand feeding mouth, lower left

DooBiSee skin

PIA11744_hithumbPIA13266_hithumbPIA12202_hithumb-001more bodies in mud, Marscopy of hitthumbmars- white beings.note fists and mouthsnote hand feeding mouth to lower left

corpse covered with doobisee
people in black uniforms climbing cliffs on Mars
note train or convoy ,upper left
mars detail, man in black,doobisdee and a sm. one , dead?
mars detail, man in black, another further down the spiral

PIA12161_hithumbBurns_cliffBurns_cliff (2)578636main_image_2033_428-326

Digital Camera
emergency pod ejected from a crashing ship- may have corpse in it, frozen in ice

PIA10230_hithumbduck bay (4)PIA10230_hithumbduck bay-1marsarena PIA09104_hithumb-1 (3)martian man3martian man2 (3)_LIPIA13947_hithumbthumb prints-2

PIA13947_hithumbthumb prints-1
aerial view of rooftop, Mars, an apartment from old mars

9dez2014---esta-rocha-fotografada-pela-camera-mast-mastcam-do-robo-curiosity-da-nasa-agencia-espacial-americana-mostra-um-padrao-tipico-de-um-fundo-de-lago-com-deposito-de-sedimentos-1419dez2014---esta-rocha-fotografada-pela-camera-mast-mastcam-do-robo-curiosity-da-nasa-agencia-espacial-americana-mostra-um-padrao-tipico-de-um-fundo-de-lago-com-deposito-de-sedimentos-141glove from space suit

Bru-Hayshi dead, note insects, Doobisee

Yeti on Mars – apparently ship wrecked there
#87C "Big Foot"s or Yeti Cryptids in snow trying to help fallen one
#87C “Big Foot”s or Yeti Cryptids in snow trying to help fallen one


Something upsetting just happened to me today. I listened to an “Amaze Lab” offering on my news page. Now, I truly do enjoy most of the amaze lab videos. However, this one was so far off base, that I felt that I had to write a rebuttal. The video spoke of how we would get so much more radiation on Mars and that we would become shorter due to differences in gravity. They spoke of genetic mutations that would eventually render it impossible for Earthlings and Martians to have children together. Now it is time for me to try to explain why I see all of this as ludicrous. Because of the distance from the sun, Martians would actually receive less radiation than we do, and I am told that the atmosphere is actually denser than ours, even though it is breathable with almost the same amount of oxygen as earth. This is why photos that our rovers have sent to us show a prevailing orange-brown haze that is present approximately 90% of the time. Particulate matter as well as distance shields Mars from the sun’s radiation. But is this why I see it all as ludicrous? No.

In 2010-2014, I published my first book “To Help Lost Souls Find Home” and I began taking photos and writing my second book, “A Silent Invasion: The Truth About Aliens, Alien Abductions and UFOs”. At that time, I came upon a NASA website that had photos from the Mars Rover. I wanted to create a screen saver from a few of them, so I saved a few. With my usual curiosity, I decided to enlarge them and have a closer look. I had been told by my Spirit Guides that Earth and Mars had been inhabited a very long time ago. They had a disagreement over a number of things, not the least of which was slavery. Mars had slaves and they were not very kind to them. A war broke out between the two planets and in a fortnight, both planets and an experimental domed community on Uranus were destroyed. Tiamet, a moon of Mars, was also destroyed. It is possible that the rubble from that moon  contributed to Saturn’s rings. It was known at that time that something had been happening to Mars even before the war. People were going mad, and it was suspected that a military biological weapon might have been accidentally unleashed. They had begun eating a type of giant sand worm, and we now know that they contain a protein that our bodies can’t digest. The result is madness. Biological weapon or sandworm, the result was devastating to them.When our Rover flew over and landed on Mars , it photographed some of the ruins left from that time period. Ruins from a planet that had known much sadness . I stared at the images that I had enlarged and as I did, I saw layers of people, transparent but there from different times, different dress. Some like us, some a bit different than us. I am told that the Martians then were shorter, hairier, and a bit stockier than we are today. That might be due to the colder winters and the difference in gravity- chalk up one for Amaze Lab! However, Earthlings did intermarry and live on Mars before the war. I also saw something else- a people in black uniforms, with a purplish skin , apparently exploring the Mars landscape. I also saw animals, some rather odd in appearance. I saw spaceship wreckage and I saw one animal with a corpse of a man under it and the head of the man in it’s mouth. I was contacted by one of these people- scientists, they said. They were intuitive enough to know that they had been observed. They wanted to know why I was showing such an interest. The animals were killing them one by one and I listened in horror as the last of them was screaming and being killed. The animals broke into their living area and killed them. These people gave up their claim on Mars after that. The ocean water, indeed, all of Mars water is mostly hydrochloric acid and has been since the war. The soil is poisonous- it grows food, but it will kill the person who eats it. Since 2010, at least three different groups of people have tried to live there and they could not. They had to have a water reclamation system that recycles urine and waste water to drink and bathe, like a space ship must have. The dangerous wildlife lurked in the shadows of the ruins, waiting to kill them. It was far too costly and took too long to get food and other supplies there. With our slow transportation, it would not work at all. Another word about the dangerous wildlife- there was a genetics experimentation lab there, and many of these creatures may have escaped or been set free from this lab. I am told that the lab has closed , but another world has continued to claim ownership of Mars.  They do not want Earthmen to show up  on their territory. The last group destroyed the old ruins before they left, so that the creatures could not hide in them. All of the groups reported seeing imprints from the madness of Mars past, the cruelty shown to slaves and other atrocities. Imprints that “play” over and over, in this poisonous and hostile landscape. War and madness has stripped Mars of it’s ability to support life.

What is the lesson to be learned? Mars cannot be our safety net, our refuge. We do not have a home there, we MUST LEARN INSTEAD TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF THE WORLD THAT WE DO HAVE.

A Clairvoyant Minister Continues On… ” We are at a Cross Roads- Now What?”

Our world is at a cross roads, this is something else that our Father and my Spirit Guides want me to make clear. With so short a time left, we need to try to get involved and try to help each other in any way possible. The war between good and evil does exist, and it is possible that a war may come to us via the people who serve the Darkness, rather than from our fighting each other. Anyone who thinks that we are the only ones that exists has their heads in the proverbial sand. It is always better to be cautious and to at least try to understand such things, even if you haven’t decided. I like to say to those who do not believe- “Go outside, at least once daily and look up. Look at the clouds- How high are they? Do you make out a shape behind them? Does the rest of the sky look like this or is there a cloud with a gray shape behind it , the only one in a blue sky? Do any of them have right angle sharp corners, or perfect circles of some kind? Lastly, at night, when it is relatively clear, look at the sky. Do you see any “stars” that are a lot brighter? Are they sitting still or is there some movement? If you have good distance vision, see if you can tell the shape. The other evening, I looked out at the moon, and to the right of it was a shuttle craft, way too low, with red and green lights and square or rectangular windows. I looked at it with an old pair of opera glasses, not very strong but I could easily tell that it wasn’t a satellite, or any silent running craft that we would have. It most definitely was not a star! It is hard for me to believe that this happens almost nightly and yet no one has reported it yet to the air force or local police. I am going to include a few photos of shuttles. Until the next page, Namaste’ !

another battleship beside the other,detail
another battleship beside the other,detail
#1Ashuttles taking off,note insignia on side(close rear view)
#1Ashuttles taking off,note insignia on side(close rear view)
note shapes behind clouds, two docked together Center, above this, a twisted umbilical like thing- this is a Dissolvable temporary escarpment, a tunnel between ships that fades away

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