A Clairvoyant Minister Rides Again- This time to bring you more Photos!

Welcome, all readers who have wondered what I have been doing all of this time since my last post! I now have a different show on Blog Talk Radio at 4pm Sat. and Sun. EST called “Aliens, Alien Abductions and UFOs/The Apocalypse- Say NO to War”. I am talking at length about aliens, the abductions and also about the book of revelation and what I think is happening. It is my conviction that we are now in the midst of the prophecy , and I discussed it at length over the course of a number of shows between June  2015 to Sept. 2015, I believe. 2015 has been one of the strangest years ever. I do hope that you will browse the archives and listen to a few of my shows on this subject. I am posting more photos today and I will be writing another post as time permits!

Our Moon has had it’s share of troubles, too, this year. Late in the summer, I felt compelled to take a look at Google Moon. I looked at the dark side because I watched a documentary called “Aliens on the Moon” on  the streaming Netflix. I highly recommend this documentary, it is amazing. The night that I took that look, I saw lights on and actual buildings on  the dark side of the Moon. I could even see what appeared to be vehicles! I was told by my Spirit Guides that a group of people had investigated this alien facility to determine if it was still in use. However, when they entered one building , they forced open a door and it swung back, hit an oddly placed instrument panel and the 2,000 year old nuclear reactor roared into service! However, the cooling system had not survived those years, and the reactor over heated. It went underground and melted the icy core of the Moon, and as things heated up, worms, giant Mongolian Sand Worms that had been experimented upon, came out of a suspended state and began to mate. It was not long before it became evident that the Moon is in real trouble. The group that originally built and operated the genetic research facility told our Father that they built it there because there was no law on the books to prevent them from using the Moon for that purpose. Apparently there are laws to prevent such research in the 5th dimension. Now- it gets worse- They chose the Mongolian Sand Worms because they had heard that they could regenerate themselves , which turned out to be false. Something went very wrong with their research. They began to grow to frightening size, and were very tough and even a bullet or an energy hit did not kill them. They were too big and dangerous to decapitate by that time. They began threatening the staff, and even 7 of the scientists, I am told. The decision was made to abandon the multi-million dollar facility due to the danger and unstopability of these creatures! When the reactor was turned off, they became frozen under the dirt. I am told that they had been left inside, but they were strong enough to break thru the walls of the building! This is probably how they ended up outside and underground, frozen. This happened long before we even dreamed of space travel.

When the ground heated up and the ice core melted, the whole dark side of our Moon became a big mud puddle with millions of these huge dangerous worms swimming around and eating each other! Now, the Moon has been having large ejections of super heated air, hot rocks and debris as well as lava . These creatures seemed to love the radiation and looked as if they were basking in it. Mating balls were evident also. They are also surviving without a breathable atmosphere! I advise you all to take a look at Google Moon website and enlarge it. I think some of them may finally be succumbing to the radiation. Now, if you look at the northern most and southern most part of the screen, you will see figures clad in black robes , and I will explain this in my next posting! Namaste’ !